Intel XDK - Soft Phone App


Viewed 101 times


I developed an application with Intel XDK for internal use on local network, which is responsible for listing all the company extensions, I would like to implement in the click of the list items the functionality of linking to the extension, using SIP technology - Session Initiation Protocol.

In short, the user clicks on the list item and the application connects to the extension

I found references on the Internet, but the documentation didn’t help me much.

References of SIP technology;

Jssip -

sipML -

  • Hello, welcome to []! I believe your question is closed because your question is not clear. What is the problem with your code? What exactly do you want to know? It would just be an example or documentation?

  • @utluiz, I am asking how to implement this SIP functionality in my application, so it would be an example.

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