Convert a String Arraylist to a Json


Viewed 987 times


I need to convert one ArrayList of String on a JSON.

I have a method in which I get a list of apps installed on the mobile device. This method returns me the data in a String Arraylist.

I was able to generate a JSON using JSONArray but I couldn’t insert a tag inside Json, below is JSON using JSONArray.

Json: ["", "", ""]

I need Json to look like this:

[{"name": ""},{"name": ""}, {"name":""}]

Below is an excerpt of the code:

//Cria e inicializa ArrayList que contem os packages instalados no Aparelho
ArrayList<String> mPackages = new ArrayList<String>();

//Grava no ArrayList o retorno do método
mPackages = Util.buscaAppsInstalados(getBaseContext());

JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(mPackages);
  • This "name" is fixed?

  • Hello Pablo yes is fixed

1 answer


You’ll have to build a Jsonobject for each item of mPackages and add it to the Jsonarray:

//Cria e inicializa ArrayList que contem os packages instalados no Aparelho
ArrayList<String> mPackages = new ArrayList<String>();

//Grava no ArrayList o retorno do método
mPackages = Util.buscaAppsInstalados(getBaseContext());

//Cria um JSONArray
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();

//Percorre mPackages
for(String name : mPackages){

    //Cria um JSONObject por cada item
    JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();

    try {
        //Constroi o JSONObject
        jsonObject.put("name", name);
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    //Adiciona-o ao JSONArray
  • Thank you, it worked perfectly.

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