How to use Google Glass in Android Studio


Viewed 118 times


I’m trying to install Google Glass in my Android Studio, but I’m not getting it. When I create a new project, it does not provide me with the Glass option and informs me that it is not installed.

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I tried to open the SDK to see if I found the Glass to download, but I didn’t. All the features you have in the SDK I have installed and updated. The only thing I found on the Glass was this:

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  • 2

    Is the API8 you chose above compatible with Glass? Try a newer API to see if the option is released. That must be the problem.

  • That API is related to phone and tablet, I tried here and did not give, but anyway, even when I leave it unchecked Glass is not available.

1 answer


According to the documentation, you need to install the Android SDK 4.4.2(API 19) and the Glass Development Kit Preview(GDK) also from API 19. This should already enable the project option for Glass during project creation.

At least in your screenshots, both requirements are not marked as installed.

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