Ajax error - unexpected end of data


Viewed 126 times


I’m trying to figure out what’s going on with the ajax code below. If the string comes with data, it works correctly, but if it comes empty, error occurs:

JSON.parse: Unexpected end of data at line 2 column 1 of the JSON data

If I give an Alert on var dados = JSON.parse(xmlreq.responseText); which is where the error occurs, it is empty, but does not enter the exception I made: if (xmlreq.responseText == "") {

Any idea where I might be going wrong?


Complete ajax:

  * Função para criar um objeto XMLHTTPRequest
 function CriaRequest() {
         request = new XMLHttpRequest();
     }catch (IEAtual){

             request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");

                 request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
                 request = false;

     if (!request)
         alert("Seu Navegador não suporta Ajax!");
         return request;

//Não executa nada até a execução terminar
var requestActive = false;

function getDados() {
    if (requestActive) return;
    requestActive = true;
    // Declaração de Variáveis
    /* Caso for necessário passar mais parametros além do nome
     * basta adicionar uma variável aqui e editar no GET
    var ids = ["usuario", "senha", "email", "admin", "cod_setor", "nome_completo", "ativo", "habilitacao", "categoria"];
    var cracha = document.getElementById("cracha").value; //CAMPO QUE VEM DO INDEX.PHP
    var result = document.getElementById("content"); //DIV DE RETORNO DOS DADOS
    var xmlreq = CriaRequest();

    // Exibe a mensagem de progresso
    //result.innerHTML = '<img src="images/Progresso.gif"/>';
    ids.forEach(function (id) {
        document.getElementById(id).value = 'Aguarde...';

    // Iniciar uma requisição
    // Se for colocar mais variáveis, é aqui. Exemplo: processa.php?txtnome=" + nome + '&admissao=' + admissao
    xmlreq.open("GET", "processaMotorista.php?cracha=" + cracha, true);

    // Atribui uma função para ser executada sempre que houver uma mudança de estado
    xmlreq.onreadystatechange = function () {
        // Verifica se foi concluído com sucesso e a conexão fechada (readyState=4)
        if (xmlreq.readyState == 4) {
            // Verifica se o arquivo foi encontrado com sucesso
            if (xmlreq.status == 200) {
                //Se o retorno foi vazio do Oracle
                if (xmlreq.responseText == "") {
                    ids.forEach(function (id) {
                        document.getElementById(id).value = '';
                //Se encontrou dados
                } else {
                    //Aqui recebe os dados do processa.php, abre e aplica nos campos desejados
                    var dados = JSON.parse(xmlreq.responseText);
                    // função para preencher os campos com os dados
                    ids.forEach(function (id) {
                        document.getElementById(id).value = dados[id];
            } else {
                result.innerHTML = "Erro: " + xmlreq.statusText;
        requestActive = false;

  • You are saying that the end of the data is on line 2, so the answer is not empty. Try using a debugger to see what is happening.

  • No firebug appears nothing. Error appears, but no data.

  • Try to add console.log(xmlreq.responseText); and then check the console.

  • Or Put a breakpoint on that line and parse the value of the variable before letting it run.

  • I did this, the variable comes null, but goes straight through if, as if there was something in it. I put the console.log(xmlreq.responseText); but nothing has changed

  • @Diego if it comes null(NULL), you should do this second check tbm. NULL is different from Void. Change your if to check if it is coming Empty, null or blank("",null, " ")

  • I did the 3 tests and returned the same error. I have no idea what happened, but other 3 ajax that use basically the same syntax also stopped.

  • @Diego Use a debugger to stop execution before entering IF and look at the value exact from the inspector. Console.log can be misleading because several things have a representation that seems empty.

  • Which debugger could use @Pablo?

  • 1

    The debugger of your favorite browser. In Firefox, press F12, go to the Debug tab and click the left side of the IF line to place a stop point there. When your code runs, when it reaches that line, the execution to.

  • Diego, the problem has been solved?

  • Yes, I found that I had an extra space where I mounted the string. I removed it and started working again.

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