Syntax error in GLPK


Viewed 64 times


set linhas;
set colunas; param c{j in colunas};
param A{i in linhas,j in colunas};
param b{i in linhas};

var x{j in colunas}>=0;

minimize FO: sum{j in colunas} c[j]*x[j];

s.t. R{i in linhas}:sum{j in colunas} A[i,j] = b[i];


Arquivo1.txt:3: syntax error in Parameter data block Context: set rows ; set columns ; param c { Mathprog model Processing error

help me find the syntax error?

  • I never used glpk but I think Qur lacks a enter before param c.

  • GLPK is an entirely different language from C: changed tag.

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