Link HTML elements


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I’m trying to make a little project just to learn more about HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript. In this project I have a div which is kind of a panel and another div that would be a square that I would put inside that panel. I’m using the drag and drop to be able to drag these elements around the screen.

My question is: how could I do for when I put the div within the panel she bind herself to it and when I try to drag the panel, I drag him and the div? And also this panel automatically adjust to the size of the div?

This happens on the website of scrumwise...

The code I already have is this one:


 <div class="panel panel-success" id="panel">
            <div class="panel-heading">
                <h3 class="panel-title">Qualquer texto</h3>
            <div class="panel-body">



<div style="width:100px; height: 100px; background-color: black;" id="div">


The javascript

 <script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {

Another thing, I’m using the bootstrap also!

1 answer


Look this example I made in Jsfiddle.

The javascript was this:

$(document).ready(function() {
    accept: ".div",
    drop: function() {
        background: "red",
        height: "auto",
        width: "auto",
        display: "inline-block"
      $(".panel .panel-body").css({
        height: "auto",
        width: "auto"
      $('.div').appendTo(".panel .panel-body");
        position: "relative",
        left: 0,
        top: 0
    hoverClass: "hover"

First, I define the div.div and the div#panel with the .draggable(). After that I use the .droppable in the #panel, so that the drop.

The .droppable takes as argument an object that has the following keys:

  • Accept - acceptable element at the time of drag.
  • drop - callback to be called after the drop down.
  • hoverClass - class triggered at the time of the drag.

The callback of drop, I make her div#panel fits the "loose element",

and make a .draggable('destroy') in .div so that it is no longer possible to drag it. Then add this div to div.panel-body, of your #panel. And change a little bit of the css of .div so she doesn’t get bad adjusted.

In the hoverClass I use only one stroke for the marking of drag.

The rest of the css you can see in the fiddle, is quite simple.

I hope it helped.

  • Very good! There was something else I wanted to ask you... In the style of what happens on the website of scrumwise, could I create a div, in the same style that did, and save the state of the div? Because the way you see it, if I give you an F5, the Divs are unbound...

  • @Thank you. Well, that would be something more complicated.. since it would have a backend, or at least a rescue in Storage. I only did the front-end for what was in the question. If you want something more "sophisticated" would be the case to ask another related question.

  • So I’ll do it! Thanks for the tip!

  • @Érikthiago, I’m preparing a very simple model with localStorage, only to illustrate, when finished, post..

  • @Érikthiago, very good.. now just wait... :) But there would be something else that would doubt about the front-end?

  • Ah, I have doubts about the bootstrap grids system. Because I wanted to put kind of next to each other and everything... But according to time I’m learning more! And dear, thank you so much for the willingness and for helping to solve!

  • @Érikthiago, nothing expensive. I’m glad I helped :) . But if the answer fits perfectly, you can "accept" it, so you will know that the problem, at least of this question, has been solved.

  • Ah had forgotten! Only if it is now!

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