Guys I’m having difficulty adapting this code, my site is in a folder calls site I want to hide this folder and leave everything if it had the root, until then it works, the problem is when I access the folder 'admin' when I soon get error 404, will anyone can help me
RewriteEngine ON
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(?!site/)(.*)$ site/$1?url_rewrite [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)\/(.*)\/(.*)\/(.*)\.html$ index.php?module=$1&page=$2§ion=$3&ss=$4&url_rewrite [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)\/(.*)\/(.*)\.html$ index.php?module=$1&page=$2§ion=$3&url_rewrite [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)\/(.*)\.html$ index.php?module=$1&page=$2&url_rewrite [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z]+)?(\/)$ index.php?module=$1&url_rewrite [QSA,L]
php_value upload_max_filesize 32M
php_value post_max_size 32M
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– Bacco