Asked 9 years, 1 month ago
Viewed 166 times
How to put standard header and footer in all Reportviewer reports of my application?
Guy has been a long time since the last time q used the Report Viewer, but at the time, had q put the header in Kd report q was going to do.
– Junior S.
@Juniors. what you use for ASP.NET reports now?
– Eliézer Zarpelão
Eliézer, actually I do not touch with reports but most use Cristal Reports, however this is a paid tool, I do not know if it has free version, but it is very good.
Browser other questions tagged reportviewer header footer
Guy has been a long time since the last time q used the Report Viewer, but at the time, had q put the header in Kd report q was going to do.
– Junior S.
@Juniors. what you use for ASP.NET reports now?
– Eliézer Zarpelão
Eliézer, actually I do not touch with reports but most use Cristal Reports, however this is a paid tool, I do not know if it has free version, but it is very good.
– Junior S.