Problem with Many Interface Automapper for Many C#


Viewed 248 times


I have two classes with a relation of many to many, all the mapping is already ready, the insertion is working, but when I try to do the Automapper it enters an infinite loop.


    public class Workflow : Elemento
        public IList<EventoWorkflow> EventosWorkflow;


    public class EventoWorkflow : Evento
        public IList<Workflow> Workflows;

I tried several things I found on the internet to try to make it work but none of them worked, the last attempt I made was like this:

Workflow -> Workflowdto

Mapper.CreateMap<Workflow, WorkflowDTO>()
                .ForMember(x => x.EventosWorkflow, m => m.MapFrom(w => w.EventosWorkflow.Select(y => y.ActualObject).ToList()));

Eventoworkflow -> Eventoworkflowdto

    Mapper.CreateMap<EventoWorkflow, EventoWorkflowDTO>()
                    .ConstructUsing(x => new EventoWorkflowDTO(x.CodigoEvento, AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<IList<Workflow>, List<WorkflowDTO>>(x.Workflows)));

But still he keeps making the mistake:

An unhandled Exception of type 'System.Stackoverflowexception'

Does anyone know how I can solve this problem?

  • Post also your DTO classes, please.

1 answer


Just give a .Ignore() in the related classes to stop the infinite loop. With that, you’ll make relationships come true null, then you should work with the data this way.

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