Left Outer Join does not bring Null values


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I have two tables:

formulario_campo ( cod_campo, descricao, cod_formulario )

Filled with the following values

- input_nome, Nome, 1
- input_sexo, Sexo, 1

The second table:

— formulario_valor(cod_campo,valor,cd_oportunidade) 

In this table are the linked records of the fields and their respective values, as follows:

  • input_name, Fagner, 2
  • input_sex, M, 2

To bring the filled values from the table formulário_valor i make a main select in table formulario_campo and then I make a left outer join on the table formulario_valor to bring value:

  formulario_campo a 
  LEFT OUTER JOIN formulario_valor b 
    ON (
      a.`cod_campo` = b.`cod_campo` 
      AND a.`cod_formulario` = b.`cod_formulario`
WHERE b.cod_oportunidade = 145 
ORDER BY a.`ordem` 

That select brings me back:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Doubt: adding new fields in the formula_field table, for example now I added a new field called: input_birth date, logically this field has no values recorded in the table formulario_valor, the problem is being this point, the select what I am doing above should not return me all the field values I have recorded in the table "formulary_field" and the record input_birth date came with the value of NULL?

Attempts I made:


But all this I could not bring the new fields that I add with null value...

  • Try to put this instruction WHERE b.cod_oportunidade = 145 inside the ON of the LEFT JOIN. and b.cod_oportunidade = 145 . Must solve.

  • Whoa, thanks for the help, I tried to do it the same way, but it wasn’t...

  • There is no dynamic pro solution you want. You will have to adjust on the arm whenever you have a new field. If I understand your problem.

  • Hello @Darkhyudra thank you again, but the term "there is no solution" is incorrect, a solution exists yes, in our developer life everything is possible until the moment we think, but I believe something very silly is missing in this select, in summary I have a table B that has the registered values of table A, at a given moment I am taking all the records of table A and displaying the values of table B, but when I added a new record in table A that does not exist in table B the select above should return me the column Table value B as null, right?

  • One question: in select you have the new field?

1 answer


Dude is hard to understand your problem, maybe you could improve the description of your tables and data. If I understand correctly, you are not seeing some data because of the 'Where' clause. You should add "OR b.cod_opportunity IS NULL" to get the result I understood to be the expected.

  formulario_campo a 
  LEFT OUTER JOIN formulario_valor b 
    ON (
      a.cod_campo = b.cod_campo 
      AND a.cod_formulario = b.cod_formulario
WHERE b.cod_oportunidade = 145 OR b.cod_oportunidade IS NULL
ORDER BY a.ordem

Just a hint: in the 'ON' clause we should put the junction conditions of the tables and not the filters we want for the query. The filters should be in the 'WHERE' clause'

  • Hello Pedro, thank you for your answer.. the Where Clause is required, in reality this Select is just a summary I did to illustrate better, the cod_opportunity will never be nulla, it is a code of a client. But in summary the select I’m doing should return me one more record, in the image I made in the post it returned me those records that already exist in the formulary_value table, but I inserted a new record in the formula_field table and technically when I did this select I should return this new field but column b.value would be null.

  • @Ronisommerfeld, the code proposed by @Pedroteles is correct. Despite using a left join, if you want to use a restriction in the Where clause in right-hand table you also need to contemplate the objectionability of the record to come null, otherwise the DBMS converts your left join for inner join implicitly.

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