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Viewed 608 times


Good evening, everyone!

I’m trying to sign a apk test but I’m not getting.

I tried on Linux and Mac and the return is the same message:

jarsigner: Certificate chain not found for: testeapp. testeapp must Reference a Valid Keystore key entry containing a private key and corresponding public key Certificate chain.

I’m creating the Keystore this way:

keytool -genkey -v -keystore testechave.keystore -alias 
testechave -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

Placing everything inside the same directory (apk and testechave.Keystore) and running the command:

jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1
-keystore testechave.keystore
testeapp-unsigned.apk testeapp

That’s when it generates this message and does nothing! Am I doing something wrong? My version of Cordova is 5.0

  • no jarsigner tries without the testeapp at the end

  • Thanks for the return Thiago. But it didn’t work out. Return: Please specify alias name

  • It can solve. 
keytool -genkey -v -keystore testechave.keystore -alias 
testechave -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

O nome do alisas é testechave, e ele precisa ser informado logo abaixo. jarsigner -verbose -sigalg Sha1withrsa -digestalg SHA1 -Keystore testekey.Keystore testeapp-unsigned.apk testekey Done this is all ok!

  • Post the solution in an answer and not within the question, we are not a forum, we are a Q&A, we are different from other sites, see the tour:

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