Sqldatareader Not Closed?


Viewed 63 times


Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Public Class F_Contentor

Dim F_Topo As New Form2()
Dim F_Principal As New Form3()

Dim Prof_Ses_Nome As String
Dim Prof_Ses_Id As Integer

Const cs As String = "Data Source=D01PC1\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Desinovar;Integrated Security=True"
Public con As New SqlConnection(cs)

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    Prof_Ses_Nome = Login.prof_Ses_Nome.ToString()
    Prof_Ses_Id = Login.prof_Ses_ID
    F_Topo.TopLevel = False
    F_Principal.TopLevel = False

    F_Topo.CB_Prof.SelectedIndex = 0

End Sub

Public Sub Get_Turma()

    Using con
        Dim sql As String = "select Turma.Nome from Turma,Professores_Turma,Professores where Turma.Id_Turma = Professores_Turma.Id_Turma and Professores_Turma.Id_Professor = Professores.Id_Professor and Professores.Id_Professor ='" & Prof_Ses_Id & "'"
        Dim sqlCom As New SqlCommand(sql, con)

        Dim dr As SqlDataReader = sqlcom.ExecuteReader()

        If dr.HasRows Then
            While dr.Read()
            End While
            ' Aqui faça o que quiser caso não tenha linha '
        End If

    End Using
End Sub

Public Sub Get_Disciplinas()

    Using con
        Dim sql As String = "select Disciplinas.Nome from Disciplinas,Turma,Professores_Turma,Professores where Turma.Id_Turma = Professores_Turma.Id_Turma and Professores_Turma.Id_Professor = Professores.Id_Professor and Professores_Turma.Id_Disciplina = Disciplinas.Id_Disciplina  and Professores.Id_Professor ='" & Login.prof_Ses_ID & "' and Turma.Nome = '" & F_Topo.CB_Turma.SelectedItem & "'"
        Dim sqlCom As New SqlCommand(sql, con)

        Dim dr As SqlDataReader = sqlCom.ExecuteReader()

        If dr.HasRows Then
            While dr.Read()
            End While
            ' Aqui faça o que quiser caso não tenha linha '
        End If

    End Using

End Sub
End Class

I have this code and when I run it, it tells me that the variable dr (Sqldatareader) was not closed. At the end of each procedure, always close the variable connection dr. Someone can help me?

  • only to ensure, after dr.Close() puts dr = Nothing

  • Yeah. It doesn’t work :/

  • Strange... the mistake happens in both methods? (Get_Disciplinas() and Get_Turma()) ?

  • No. Only in Get_turma(). I have another colleague with the same mistake..

  • after the While dr.Read(), tries to remove all code inside, and leaves only one message box displaying this content: dr.Item(0).ToString works like this?

  • as in the comments I can not leave code formatted, with reply with a previous solution... I will change as you are giving the feedback

  • Ok. It already works if you remove all the code inside the while from the Get_class().

  • But if you put this code: F_top.Cb_class.Items.Add(dr.Item(0)) No longer works again.

  • see my answer

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1 answer


As in the comments I can not leave formatted code, with reply with a previous solution... I will change as you give the feedback.

First... change the method in question so it stays that way:

Public Sub Get_Turma()

    using con
        Dim sql As String = "select Turma.Nome from Turma,Professores_Turma,Professores where Turma.Id_Turma = Professores_Turma.Id_Turma and Professores_Turma.Id_Professor = Professores.Id_Professor and Professores.Id_Professor ='" & Prof_Ses_Id & "'"
        Dim sqlCom As new SqlCommand(sql, con)

        Dim dr As SqlDataReader = sqlcom.ExecuteReader()

        If dr.HasRows Then
            While dr.Read()
            End While
            ' Aqui faça o que quiser caso não tenha linha '
        End If

    End Using
End Sub

Tries this amendment

  • Thank you. When I can test the code :) (tomorrow)

  • The "get_Turma()" function already works. What does not work now is get_disciplinas(). I updated the question to the current state.

  • An unhandled Exception of type 'System.Invalidoperationexception' occurred in System.Data.dll Additional information: The Connectionstring property was not initialized.

  • I have an idea that the problem is that I do this: 'Const Cs As String = "Data Source=D01PC1 SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Uninvite;Integrated Security=True"' 'Public con As New Sqlconnection(Cs)' Only once globally instead of locally doing in each procedure.

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