Increase the size of the Select2 plugin combobox


Viewed 281 times


I need the plugin Select2 combobox ( above is with the same effect of the combo that is below according to the image, that is, increase the width size without covering the fields al side, it is possible ? inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • 1

    What have you tried to do? Which code is playing? Which one css? Post your problem code as well as information about what you have tried to solve the problem, only then can we guide you better to solve the problem.

  • Celso take a look at the link in the question, there is all the information including css and I can’t identify exactly what has to change in CSS.

  • It’s no use just looking at the raw css of the plugin. Even why I would have to 'hunt' the information. It is inserted within a context (your site/app) that can directly interfere with the behavior of the plugin, regardless of its original css. Always provide the information, codes about your problem. Never through external links.

  • I’m asking because I imagine someone has been through it, and have an idea of how to solve it, it doesn’t necessarily have to be you can be anyone else who has been through this situation.

  • It’s not a question of having been through it. It’s a matter of providing minimal information so that anyone, whether they’ve been there or not, can help you. That’s the purpose of the community. But if that’s not your case, I’m sorry, but I can’t go around chasing information and guess what your code scenario is.

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