Multiple selection does not work in IE


Viewed 143 times


I made a post on how with a choice, select all the items. I received a reply, which solved. well, solved only in Chrome, but in IE does not work. As the question changed the "direction", so I decided to do another post. Includes other versions of jquery and it still didn’t work. This is the code of my select(html).

                                <td width="10%" class="label_right">Autorização Prévia: &nbsp;</td>
                                <td class="label_left">
                                    <select id="ddl_autorizacaoprevia" multiple="multiple" >
                                        <option value="0">TODAS AS AUTORIZAÇÕES</option>
                                        <option value="T">TÉCNICA / ADMINISTRATIVA</option>
                                        <option value="A">SISTÊMICA</option>
                                        <option value="N">NÃO PRECISA</option>

This is the jquery that selects all items in a single click:

$('#ddl_autorizacaoprevia option').click(function () {

                var that = $(this);
                if (that.val() == 0) {
                    $('#ddl_autorizacaoprevia option').each(function () {
                        $(this).attr('selected', 'selected');
                } else {
                    $('#ddl_autorizacaoprevia option').each(function () {
                    $(that).attr('selected', 'selected');

So, this code works well in Chrome, but it doesn’t work in IE. What can it be? Only works with Ctrl+Click, then I can select all, but only by clicking the first index(index = 0), there not selects all items, but in Chrome works and the browser approved by the company is IE and not Chrome, so I have to make it work in IE.

  • According to what you described and based on the code you posted, this is the logical behavior that should occur. When you click a value other than ZERO, uncheck all others and mark only what is "clicked". You’re confused in your description about what really doesn’t work or what behavior you want.

  • Ok, what I mean is that this behavior only works in Google Chrome. In IE it doesn’t work. The code is functional, just not in IE.

  • If I ask a question, wanting two answers, I get downvote and advice to open another post. Then I open another post and receive downvote the same way, because it seems to be a repeated question, for using the same code, but with different question. I wanted to understand.

  • Along those lines $('#ddl_autorizacaoprevia option').each(function () If I remove the option, I can do multiple selection, but only if there is none selected. If I select one and then click on Index Item 0, it no longer works. But if I reload the page (deselecting everything), this way it works. I understood that IE does not "like" the option.

1 answer



I guess I didn’t need all this, test it with this code:

$('#ddl_autorizacaoprevia option:first-child').click(function () {
    $('#ddl_autorizacaoprevia option').each(function () {
         $(this).attr('selected', 'selected');

See this example here:


I made an implementation in pure javascript to see if it solves your problem, follow the code:

function qs(q) {
   return document.querySelector(q);
function qsa(q) {
   return document.querySelectorAll(q);
qs("#ddl_autorizacaoprevia option:first-child").onclick = function (ev) {
    var todos = qsa('#ddl_autorizacaoprevia option'); (e) {
        e.setAttribute('selected', 'selected');

Code example:


Another option to see if it works in IE:

HTML code (note that I took the Multiple attribute and put the size attribute):

                            <td width="10%" class="label_right">Autorização Prévia: &nbsp;</td>
                            <td class="label_left">
                                <select id="ddl_autorizacaoprevia" size=4 >
                                    <option value="0">TODAS AS AUTORIZAÇÕES</option>
                                    <option value="T">TÉCNICA / ADMINISTRATIVA</option>
                                    <option value="A">SISTÊMICA</option>
                                    <option value="N">NÃO PRECISA</option>

Javascript - Note that I assign Multiple here:

function qs(q) {
   return document.querySelector(q);
function qsa(q) {
   return document.querySelectorAll(q);

qs("#ddl_autorizacaoprevia option:first-child").onclick = function(){
   var select = qs("#ddl_autorizacaoprevia");
   var tamanho = select.length;
   for(var i=0;i<tamanho;i++){

Example can be seen functional here:


I made some adaptations, but it was the way I was able to get what was requested in Internet Explorer, see if it interests:

    <td width="10%" class="label_right">Autorização Prévia: &nbsp;</td>
    <td class="label_left">
        <select id="ddl_autorizacaoprevia" size=4 >
            <option value="T">TÉCNICA / ADMINISTRATIVA</option>
            <option value="A">SISTÊMICA</option>
            <option value="N">NÃO PRECISA</option>
        <input id='selecionarTudo' type="checkbox"> TODAS AS AUTORIZAÇÕES


function gi (q) {
        return document.getElementById(q);
    gi("selecionarTudo").onclick = function () {
        var el = this;
        var select = gi("ddl_autorizacaoprevia");
        var tamanho = select.length;
        if(this.checked == true){
            select.multiple = true;
            // select.focus();
            for(var i=0;i < tamanho;i++){
                select.options[i].selected = true;
    //Caso ache válido pode descomentar essa linha;
            //select.disabled = true; 
        } else{
            select.multiple = false;
            select.disabled = false;
            for(var i=1;i < tamanho;i++){
                select.options[i].selected = false;


  • Guilherme Lopes, I opened his fiddle in IE and it didn’t work. Try to open it in IE and see if it works? With me here did not function.

  • I’m without IE to test here, see EDIT to see if it solves.

  • Guilherme, still not working in IE. In the company I’m in, only IE matters. It didn’t work at all. I read that IE has problems with the Select Option. And it seems that it provides this information.

  • Which version of IE matters?

  • Mine here is the 11.0.24(updated). Previous versions also use. The site is used by more than 1,000 users of the company, throughout Brazil. I have no way to inform you, but IE is the only approved browser, so it can be any version. These tests were done in the cited version.

  • I made an adaptation in this last edition and it worked, if it helps, it’s there.

  • Thanks even for the help. That’s not it. We are talking to the business area of the company and presenting another solution. I hope they accept, but even so, I thank you, William, for the help. The latter, with a checkbox out, is outside the scope.

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