Guys, I’ve got an Enum for days of the week, being:
Segunda = 2,
Terca = 3,
Quarta = 4,
Quinta = 5,
Sexta = 6,
[Display(Name = "Sábado")]
Sabado = 7
So I build an object that has a day of the week on Api
, and I do a get json in javascript and show on screen using knockout
, the problem is that if I leave as Enum, it will show the number equivalent to the day, and if I do ToString()
it shows the normal name, no accents and no special characters, what I would like to show was the display, is there any method that does this? or I have to do "in hand"?
give a look and see if it helps you http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25248521/bind-an-enum-to-a-combo-box-using-knockout
– Otto
thanks, but he has a different problem...
– Aesir
then friend please demonstrate the error in order to help .... we also need something you have already done to make it easier
– Otto