Reset the button text via Javascript


Viewed 412 times


Well, I don’t know if my title refers to what I’m asking, but I have a form with a Sign in button.

<button id="btn_entrar" data-loading-text="carregando..." autocomplete="off" class="btn btn-primary btn-cons m-t-10" type="submit" onclick="return Get_Acesso();">Entrar</button>

And when I enter login and password I want this button to be "loading..." then I looked it up on the Internet and I saw this case:

  $('button[data-loading-text]').on('click', function () {
    var btn = $(this)
    setInterval(function () {
    }, 3000)

But I don’t want a set time ( in case 3 seconds ) I want it to reset after my function GetAcesso() give some return be it false or true. Someone knows a solution?

function Get_Acesso(){
    usuario = document.getElementById('txt_user_name').value;
    senha = document.getElementById('txt_password').value;

    LoginDTO.Usuario = usuario;
    LoginDTO.Senha = senha;

    var DTO = { 'LoginDTO': LoginDTO};
    //acessar login
        type: "POST",
        url: "default.aspx/Acesso_Login",
        data: JSON.stringify(DTO),
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        dataType: "json",
        beforeSend: function () { 
        success: function (msg) {
            try {
                //tratamentos de msg
                if (msg.d == "err") {
                    document.getElementById('spn_retorno').innerHTML = "Erro inesperado no momento do acesso.";
                    return false;
                    //Não encontrou nenhum registro
                } else if (msg.d == "not") {
                    document.getElementById('spn_retorno').innerHTML = "Usuário / senha inválido.";
                    return false;
                    //Campos vazios

Simple access code, but I want that when the error return it comes back with the default button of "Enter".

  • Gabriel, put your reference code where you use the function GetAcesso

  • When you press to enter gives some error in Chrome Inspect Element of script ? See there.

  • No error appears

  • Ahh, delete that function. $('button[data-loading-text]')...

  • worked, actually it was on the button itself I took it out of html and it worked "data-loading-text="loading..."". Thanks!

  • All right, that was also for taking away. Good!

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2 answers


Before the success: function (msg) may place a:

beforeSend: function(){ // Ou seja, 'antes de enviar'
success: function(msg){
    $('#btn_entrar').html('Entrar'); // Volta o botão no seu valor normal
  • I’d be like this ? contenttype: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", beforeSend: Function () { $('#btn_login'). html('Loading...'); }, Success: Function (msg) { $('#btn_login'). html('Log in'); Try {

  • That’s right. What changes is the addition of beforeSend and the addition of Reset button inside the function success.

  • Strange I put the code and it doesn’t change...

  • Updates your POST with the new code.


An option would be to make the request via ajax, so you would call the reset function after the reply. Not knowing what this Getaccess function is like, I imagine the best way to do it would be like this:

    //Os seus parametros para verificar o usuario e senha
        data: parametros,
    //sera usado o método get
        method : 'get',
    //a url que queremos requisitar
        url    : 'requisitada.html',
    //o tipo da requisição
        dataType: 'html',
    //aqui é onde pegamos o retono da requisição
        success : function(retorno){
    //Aqui você coloca a função de resetar o texto do botão.

It was just an example to have at least one basis. I believe it is the best way.

  • I’ll try, includes the Access method if help, thanks for the answer

  • Leonardo, how would this method Resetatexto() ?

  • The example that Zoom gave is a great option of how this method could be!

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