I have a service that registers in a system (the code below)
var userstocreate = [
username: '' + usuario + '',
password: 'E@d123456',
firstname: '' + primeiro +'',
lastname: '' + lastname + '',
email: '' + email + ''
var data = {
wstoken: token,
wsfunction: functionname,
moodlewsrestformat: 'json',
users: userstocreate
var response = $.ajax(
type: 'POST',
data: data,
url: serverurl
The answer of this service is thus...
abort: (a) always: () complete: () done: () error: () fail: () getAllResponseHeaders: () getResponseHeader: (a) overrideMimeType: (a) pipe: () progress: () promise: (a) readyState: 4 responseJSON: Array[1] responseText: "[{"id":29,"username":"arques_nathalia"}]" setRequestHeader: (a,b) state: () status: 200 statusCode: (a) statusText: "OK" success: () then: () __proto__: Object
How can I save responseText values? that "[{"id":29,"username":"arques_nathalia"}]"
wanted to save in a variable at least the ID, is possible?
You redeem these values on
of function Ajax, in thesuccess
, for example.– Diego Souza
How? Do you have an example? I did so Success: Function (data) { var result = data; } but I cannot use this result variable
– Yuri Rodrigues