How to resolve java.lang.Noclassdeffounderror when running rhinit() in R


Viewed 489 times


I’m integrating the Hadoop with R using Rhipe and my configuration is as follows::

  • Ubuntu 14.
  • Hadoop 1.0.3
  • R 3.2.2
  • Rhipe 0.73.1

When starting in the environment R the rhinit() the following message appears:

rhinit() Rhipe: Using Rhipe.jar file Initializing Rhipe v0.73 Error in . jnew("org/godhuli/rhipe/Personalserver") :
java.lang.Noclassdeffounderror: org/apache/Hadoop/Fs/Fsdatainputstream

I’ve done a lot of research on other forums and so far I haven’t found a solution.

I count on your help, I thank you in advance.

  • Seems to be related to Rhipe not being able to find Hadoop’s path. Second this link, configure some variables should solve.

1 answer


This problem is caused because the following environment variables are not set correctly :PKG_CONFIG_PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Setting up the R

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH = / usr / local / lib

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH = / usr / local / lib

Also type these commands into the R console:

Sys.setenv (HADOOP_HOME = "/ usr / local / Hadoop /")

Sys.setenv (HADOOP_BIN = "/ usr / local / Hadoop / bin")

Sys.setenv (HADOOP_CONF_DIR = "/ usr / local / Hadoop / conf")

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