Font approval using SVN


Viewed 95 times


Is there any way to control the approval of a SVN file? If there is no explicit approval, there is some other similar way (as in opensource projects) to control file entry into the repository?

Thank you!

  • It is very vague, explain better or give an example of what you mean by "control the approval/file entry". Are you talking about something like . gitignore? or pre-commit Hooks? or maybe you’re confusing git with github and referring to pull requests?

  • Next @Brunorb. In this repository I have several developers working. For some, I would like to require an approval to prevent "commits" being made without a more thorough evaluation of what is being done. Would be a pre-commit as you mentioned

1 answer


For you to do exactly what you want, get the commit on the server and keep it out of the repository until the moment you give an approval, I believe it would be reasonably complicated, you need to build the whole interface for this since as far as I remember there is nothing ready exactly in this model.

As an alternative I suggest you two options:

  1. You normally accept commits, yet do one post-commit hook that alerts you (email, Telegram, etc.) that there has been a change in the code made by user X (you make the script with conditions so that it only shoots for certain users) in file Y revision W, so you can review if the code of such person does not need to be reversed.
  2. You create a branch from the repository and requires devs to commit to it only and only allows them to merge changes into the trunk (main branch) after the code has been revised.

It would also be possible to combine the two strategies and have commits in the branch generate alerts, speeding up the revision process to give the "ok, you can merge into the trunk".

  • Thanks Bruno, I think the idea of using an intermediary branch is the best. I saw that SVN makes it possible to create pre-commit scripts, which would make a tool to control these approvals. But I think your second alternative is the most viable at the moment. Thanks for the help!

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