ASP.NET vs Intraweb


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Since I come from PHP and I’m starting now with ASP.NET and I’m pretty raw, I’ll need to argue about. NET to one of the owners of the company, and he develops in Intraweb. By my vision of WEB, the structure of . NET is much better to work, both structural and conceptual.

Until this part ok, the problem is when enters the "expanded" programming that they already have here, for example: In Intraweb, it has a "menu" component that comes from a DLL developed by him, it includes this DLL in the project, drops this menu in the application and the menu is already working, and in case he needs to change something or even fix a bug, it even goes to uses DLL, compiles and is already all right in all the menus of the applications of that extended menu. They do not want to migrate precisely because of this, they say . NET does not have this kind of thing.

Aaah, among other arguments like "recovery" form, because the form in Intraweb are objects, you can bring this object on the screen at any time and with all the data typed by the user, until you "destroy" the same...

I can do that on . NET?

  • Diego, isn’t Intraweb the framework that is made available by Delphi? If they already have a DLL, why don’t you try to open an mvc project or even webform, and make an attempt to read the dll by the "Add Reference" of visual studio.

1 answer


Of course you can do this. In classic ASP.NET has the Master Pages. In ASP.NET MVC, which is much better, has the layouts or sections or you can create your own components with tags Custom HTML, at least in newer versions.

Especially when we talk about ASP.NET MVC we are talking about something modern, which learned from the mistakes of older things, which have better ways of doing various things. It will certainly be different. There will be resistance to change. They will often say that it is bad because they do not yet know how to use it. One prefers to do worse in what he knows.

But my recommendation is to learn the technology deeply not only before using it, but even before selling it. The number one rule of every seller is to know the product they’re selling. You won’t convince anyone to use something that you don’t even know is good or not.

When you know well, any opposition he makes, you will have a good answer.

Basic tutorial.

  • Exactly! I come from PHP and used Cakephp Framework, which is very similar to ASP.NET MVC. I have a very basic notion of what the tool can provide. I just talked to the developers here and we’ve already set up this "generate" components scheme via external DLL. I think the only point I’m going to "screw up" is going to be these memory-saving form schemes (which is horrible for memory consumption), but I’m going to have to study this. As for the knowledge of the tool, super agree with you. Thanks really, man! Thanks!

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