Detect copied text


Viewed 70 times


How to perform an action whenever someone copies some text in Keyboard android? And would have to use a service to leave running all the time?

  • What kind of action would be performed?

  • take the copied text and register it in a @Denercarvalho sqlite database

1 answer


You’re looking for the method addPrimaryClipChangedListener of ClipboardManager. It takes as parameter one ClipboardManager.OnPrimaryClipChangedListener.

Assuming you’re familiar with Listeners, the code looks something like this:

final ClipboardManager gerenciadorDeAreaDeTransferencia = 
        (ClipboardManager) getSystemService(CLIPBOARD_SERVICE);

    addPrimaryClipChangedListener(new OnPrimaryClipChangedListener() {
                    public void onPrimaryClipChanged() {
                        // seu código

Note that this only works from API 11.

About making it work in the background, you will probably depend on a service, yes, but the details of this are subject to another question.

  • That’s right, I was already using Clipboardmanager and Clipdata, but I didn’t see the listeners, went unnoticed

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