Select random with Sqlserver (mssql)


Viewed 71 times


What is the correct way to make an unspecified (random) selection using PHP + Sqlserver, since Microsoft queries do not accept ORDER BY RAND() from MYSQL.

Using MYSQLI would be like this:

$sql ="SELECT * FROM Tabela where campo=‘algum'  order by rand()”;

2 answers



Try to load the random index before and assign it to the string of the command.


$indiceRandomico = rand(5, 15);

$sql ="SELECT * FROM Tabela where campo=‘algum'  order by ”. $indiceRandomico;

  • 1

    This is not gonna work.

  • If you restrict where you are by the number of columns, it should work.

  • 2

    But sorting by a random column is not the same thing as randomly sorting.

  • I understand your explanation.

  • 1

    Thank you very much, but unfortunately it didn’t even work for the number of columns. It worked with ORDER BY NEWID()

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