Problems (Vraptor + Hibernate request)


Viewed 129 times


I’m using the Vraptor to develop a web application. More in certain tests, I saw that the Hibernate is adding in the database, but when I send the Result to my page with a new list of that object I deleted from my client, apparently he’s bringing something from the cache. At the base my client is with 3 items and the Hibernate brings only the old 2.

I put Dao as @RequestScoped, just to not have problems of this kind. How do I solve this problem?

Dao code:

public class DaoMaster {
private EntityManager manager;

public DaoMaster(EntityManager manager) {
    this.manager = manager;

public DaoMaster() {

public void cria(Object o){

public void atualiza(Object o){


public void remove(Long id, Class<?> classe){
    Object o = buscaPorId(id, classe);

public Object buscaPorId(Long id,Class<?> classe){
        return manager.find(classe, id);
    }catch(Exception e){
        return null;

public List<?> listaTodos(Class<?> classe){
        return manager.createQuery("select t from "+ classe.getSimpleName() +" t",classe).getResultList();
    }catch(Exception e){
        System.out.println("ERRO: "+e);
        return null;

public List<?> listaPorQueryModificada(String queryModificada, HashMap<String, Object> parametros, Class<?> classe){
        TypedQuery<?> query = manager.createQuery(queryModificada,classe);
        if(parametros != null && parametros.size() > 0){
            for(String key: parametros.keySet()){
                Object value = parametros.get(key);
                query.setParameter(key, value);
        return query.getResultList();
    }catch(Exception e){
        System.out.println("ERRO: "+e);
        return null;

public List<?> listaPorNamedQuery(String namedQuery, HashMap<String, Object> parametros,Class<?> classe){
        TypedQuery<?> query = manager.createNamedQuery(namedQuery,classe);
        if(parametros != null && parametros.size() > 0){
            for(String key: parametros.keySet()){
                Object value = parametros.get(key);
                query.setParameter(key, value);
        return query.getResultList();
    }catch(Exception e){
        System.out.println("ERRO: "+e);
        return null;

public Object buscaPorNamedQuery(String namedQuery,HashMap<String, Object> parametros,Class<?> classe){
    Object objeto;
        TypedQuery<?> query = manager.createNamedQuery(namedQuery,classe);
        if(parametros != null && parametros.size() > 0){
            for(String key: parametros.keySet()){
                Object value = parametros.get(key);
                query.setParameter(key, value);
        return query.getSingleResult();
    }catch(Exception e){
        System.out.println("ERRO: "+e);
        return null;



I have a screen that I register subcategories, when registering a new item, I call a function with Vraptor to add, and at the end I have it redirected to my other function that makes the screen call. In the screen call function, I list all subcategories with Hibernate and send to the result, to be able to show on the user screen.

Only there is a time when I register a new item, the application registers this item at the base, and when it goes to the function of calling the screen again to do the new search of all existing subcategories, it seems that Hibernate is bringing the old research of the previous call, where there was not yet that new item that I just registered, making the new item does not exist on the screen.

Call code for Vraptor:

public void listaSubCategoria(Long categoriaID){

    List<SubCategoria> subCategorias = subCategoriaDao.listaPorCategoria(categoriaID);
    result.include("subCategorias", subCategorias);
    result.include("pagina", "categoria");

public void adicionaSubCategoria(SubCategoria subCategoria, UploadedFile imagem){
    if(subCategoria.getId() != null){
        subCategoria.setCategoria((Categoria) daoMaster.buscaPorId(subCategoria.getCategoria().getId(), Categoria.class));

    adicionaImagem(NomenclaturaArquivo._NOMENCLATURA_IMAGEM_CATEGORIA, imagem, subCategoria.getId());

  • You are committing all bank operations?

  • You said you’re deleting, and the base has 3 clients, because then it’s 2 old records? It wasn’t supposed to be 4?

  • To avoid problems with subcontractors, all dao processes, go through manager.getTransaction().begin(); and manager.getTransaction().commit();, the information even not coming to the updated screen, are registered in the bank, without any problem.

  • Put your code in the post and try to illustrate a little better what is happening.

  • Try committing queries as well. Put a sysout to display the list and see if it brings the right data.

  • I did the test, and again Hibernate registered correct at the base, more when it shows on screen, did not bring new information. I made the print of all before adding the list on the screen, and it is not in the function list either. If I restart the application’s Tomcat it will appear the same.

  • I forgot and mention, I do not know if it can be some configuration that is missing, but I am using the JPA plugin in vraptor. No Entity Manager with my classes.

  • 1

    I don’t know if this can be because I never used this plugin, I’ve had a similar problem and I decided by comiting my queries.

  • You say, calling the transaction Begin at the beginning and the commit at the end, also in the query functions?

  • That’s right @Kelvin

  • @Techies ran the tests, and apparently the problem really solves itself. I don’t really know if it will completely solve with this little test I did, more for this error simulation I was doing, solved. Thank you so much for your help! Thank you for paying attention to my problem. Thank you.

  • For nothing, if the problem was solved I will put an answer to help other people with the same problem

  • @Techies I did the general tests on the other screens of the system, and none presented the problem anymore. I can say that yes, it was solved. My queries were not opening the new transactions and closing at the end.

  • Calm down, I put an answer, if it meets you just mark as solution.

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1 answer


Analyzing your code I saw that you are not giving commit in their consultations. The commit basically terminates the transaction by saving all changes that occurred during the transaction.

It is recommended to use commit in all transactions involving bank, even in consultations. It would look like this:

public Object buscaPorId(Long id,Class<?> classe){
        return manager.find(classe, id);
    }catch(Exception e){
        return null;

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