Error while uploading files to remote server


Viewed 196 times


Hello. I created a remote repository in bitbucket and did all the normal operations via command line: clone, add, commit, push and pull. I saved a copy on the drive and had to format the machine. After I set the environment, I put the design of the pendriver in the computer, I can’t push. I already deleted the project files, cloned, but nothing helped. The error is:

fatal: 'git/' does not appear to be a git Repository Fatal: Could not read from remote.

Please make sure you have the correct access Rights and the Repository exists.

The command I make is:

git push -u origin master

have tried:

git push origin master

  • You need to use git init to set the folder as a repository OR clone the repository online first and then throw the files from the pen drive over.

  • @Marco Aurélio Deleu forgot to mention, but I use git init. All commands work except push

1 answer


By adding the repository remote must contain the @ between git and bitbucket.


git remote add origin

If the repository was initialized correctly, the files added and committed, the command git push -u origin master is correct if it is the branch master and the repository origin.

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