Arraylist Comparator JSP Object


Viewed 173 times


I’m having trouble implementing the Comparator method, to sort the Object Arraylist.

I have an Enterprise class. Where I then create an Arraylist, which is filled from a content manager system.

I added the method compareTo, and it sorts by the Area attribute. But now I also need you to sort by number of rooms, and bathrooms.

How could I do that ?

Here is the current cider:

public class Empreendimento implements Comparable<Empreendimento>{

     //possui atributos, gets, sets e construtor

        public int compareTo(Empreendimento Emp) {
            if (this.menorArea < Emp.getMenorArea()) {
                return -1;
            if (this.menorArea > Emp.getMenorArea()) {
                return 1;
            return 0;

After the content manager, create the Arraylist with these obejtos. I make a filter, and then I order. Then I use this:

  • would like to add an Addendum on Arraylist: here. I believe I can help you understand your question.

1 answer


With Java 8, there is a simple and clean solution to handle multiple comparisons.


Comparator<Empreendimento> comparator = Comparator
        .comparing(e -> e.getMenorArea)
        .thenComparingInt(e -> e.getQuantidadeQuarto)
        .thenComparingInt(e -> e.getQuantidadeBanheiro);

Method Reference:

Comparator<Empreendimento> comparator = Comparator

It is not recommended to mix code html of view coded Java, it is interesting to make the comparison in a class and then pass the result by a Expression Language (EL).

An alternative is to implement a Comparator that instead of passing the attributes by parameter, passes two classes of the same type and compares their attributes.


Collections.sort(lista, new Comparator<Empreendimento>(){
    public int compare(Empreendimento e1, Empreendimento e2) {
        int comparacao = e1.getMenorArea().compareTo(e2.getMenorArea());
        if(comparacao != 0) {
           return comparacao;

        comparacao = e1.getQuantidadeQuarto().compareTo(e2.getQuantidadeQuarto());
        if(comparacao != 0) {
           return comparacao;

        return e1.getQuantidadeBanheiro().compareTo(e2.getQuantidadeBanheiro());     

It is important to implement the equals and hashCode in the model class, in that case Entrepreneurship.

  • This last example I didn’t understand. I can create the compare inside the class ? Can you have several compare ? Ex.: compareQuarto(), compareArea()... And then make the ordering call? What would the ordering call look like? And in the Enterprise class, I need to use the " Comparator Implements " ?

  • I edited the post with the changes. You can implement if you want, the anonymous class was just for example.

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