How to pass a picklist (bootstrap) via POST (ajax)


Viewed 334 times


Good morning, I don’t know how to pass the data of this component to my controller java.

See image:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

For example, I have these fields that I pass by request POST to my controller and they work OK, until the controller java:

BoxApp.controller("CadastroCertificadoController", function($scope, $http) {

    $scope.clientes = {};

    $scope.iniciar = function() {
        $http.get('/boxmlV2/cadastrocertificado').success(function(response) {
            $scope.clientes = response;

    $scope.clientes2 = [];

    $scope.atribuirUm = function(index, c) {
        $scope.clientes.splice(index, 1);

    $scope.limparUm = function(index, c2) {
        $scope.clientes2.splice(index, 1);

    * Trecho para validar o form ao submeter.
    $scope.submitted = false;
    $scope.submitForm = function(form) {
        $scope.submitted = true;
        if (form.$valid) {

    $scope.cadastraCertificado = function() {
        $'/boxmlV2/cadastrocertificado/salvaCertificado', {
            urlCertificado : $scope.certificadoIncluirAlterar.urlCertificado,
            dataValidadeCertificado : $scope.certificadoIncluirAlterar.dataValidadeCertificado.toString(),
            senhaCertificado : $scope.certificadoIncluirAlterar.senhaCertificado
        }).then(function(response) {
        }, function(response) {

But I don’t know how to pass the picklist that already works, taking from the base, the data I need to collect is the list on the right side.

How can I do that?

My picklist component:

<div class="form-group">
    <label class="control-label col-md-3">Empresas:</label>
    <div class="col-md-9">
        <select multiple="multiple" class="multi-select" id="my_multi_select1" name="my_multi_select1[]">
            <option ng-repeat="c in clientes" value="{{c.idCliente}}" ng-click="atribuirUm($index, c)">{{c.razaoSocial}}</option>
            <option selected ng-repeat="c2 in clientes2" value="{{c2.idCliente}}" ng-click="limparUm($index, c2)">{{c2.razaoSocial}}</option>

Thank you, in case you need more code, I’ll put it right.

Edited - save button:

<div class="modal-footer">
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-default"
    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary"
        <i class="fa fa-check"></i> Salvar

After applying the provided reply, I can receive the OK array, but it gives bad request 400 in the upload, I took the picklist as a test and I can pass the other attributes to the java controller successfully. I’m getting on the Java side, a String list with the same name, should work.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • How is the button that you send the other data to the controller?

  • Celsom, that middle button is fake, not clickable. When I click on the record on the left side it adds right and vice versa. I’ll post how my js turned out to see... I’m not using ng-model, I know I need to pass...

  • No no, that’s not it.. What I want to know is the following, how is your "Save" button to save all the data. The button that calls the function "registered"

  • got it, posted it and the function being called

1 answer


Well, first of all, I recommend you remove the data setting from within $http, use a variable instead, like this:

var dados = {
    urlCertificado :     $scope.certificadoIncluirAlterar.urlCertificado,
    dataValidadeCertificado : $scope.certificadoIncluirAlterar.dataValidadeCertificado.toString(),
    senhaCertificado : $scope.certificadoIncluirAlterar.senhaCertificado

Now to set the list of selected companies you have 2 modes to do this:

  • Pass as parameter by the button calling the function;
  • Grab directly from controller;

The second option only works (and in your case is even simpler) because the manipulation of companies is done within the same controller. If done elsewhere, it would not be possible to use the second method (which is what I will explain).

The first method would be like this:

<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary"
    ng-click="submitForm(form, clientes2)">
    <i class="fa fa-check"></i> Salvar

And on the controller, when you receive the function, take it too:

$scope.submitForm = function(form, clientes2) { //....

Since yours is already inside the controller, you can skip this step and refer it directly through the $scope.clientes2 and merge with your existing data array (which I illustrated above), like this:

dados['empresas'] = $scope.clientes2; //ou dados['clientes2'], fica a seu critério

This will create a nested-array of data that you can just reference at $http and send, see:

$scope.cadastraCertificado = function() {       
    $'/boxmlV2/cadastrocertificado/salvaCertificado', dados)
        .then(function(response) {
        }, function(response) {         
  • Celsom, thanks again for the effort in helping, I will apply here return you...

  • Celsom, I edited the post, cool I received the array... only that at the time of sending the list with 2 records as test, it gives bad request, 400. You know why? I have the same list name on the controller side in java, it should work. There’s something I need to put in the list, like a . value or something specific to the list?

  • 1

    Well, it can be some things, including not related to the side that is sending the data, IE, or your controller and $http. You are sending only data in json format, so make sure that the other side will interpret this json correctly. Another thing, the field names. Make sure you are not sending any more fields, any less fields or fields with syntax error. Have you checked this? I remember that you wanted to send only some company data, check?

  • Thank you Celsom !

  • Not for that reason! :)

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