How to know when a retrofit call is completed in order to start an Activity?


Viewed 83 times


I have two calls (Call) from Retrofit 2, one that downloads a Config object, and one that downloads a list of Entries.

I need to know when those two calls are finished, so I can call a new one activity, however, I put two variables of the type boolean in the onResponse of each of the two calls to perform a test as:

if(var1 && var2 == true){
//Código para abrir a nova activity

When the code reaches the test, the calls have not yet received the response from the server, making the two variables false, and not starting to Activity. How can I make that code open the new activity run only after both calls are completed?

1 answer


In the onResponse method you will know from there just call your Activity:

Call<SeuObjeto> call = service.upload(requestBody, nomeProduto, descricaoProduto,email,categoria);
        call.enqueue(new Callback<SeuObjeto>() {
            public void onResponse(Call<SeuObjeto> call, Response<SeuObjeto> response) {
                var1 = response.isSuccessful();


Do this in the 2 ways at the end will know the moment to call

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