ASP.NET MVC - Alternative to the DDD


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I will start building an application let’s say, initially small, about 5 Cruds and only 1 Core (this yes a little more complex in terms of business), but the goal is that it grows over time, using . NET Framework 4.5.1 and Entityframework.

I’m used to working with DDD for large enterprise applications. But in my case I need something faster and more agile for development especially in this first release that is small. As I’m going to develop on my own, using DDD is killing an ant with Thor’s hammer. I’ll waste a lot of time rewriting the same code just for archivist bureaucracies while what really matters is that it’s my Core will stand by and wait.

I would like to use an architecture similar to the DDD but less complex. That is, I want to continue creating the application in Visualization, Business and DB but without the need for so many interfaces and layers as it is used in DDD.

What architecture could I use? How to implement it?

  • 1

    I think that that answer can help you a little.

  • Unfortunately we can not answer this with so little information. At most it would be just a meaningless opinion.

  • But here we do not give opinions, because they are useless. As the other would say: "opinion and c*, everyone has". To give you something that is useful to you and others, it needs to be something that has a minimum foundation, even if in part you have a little opinion. It is difficult to substantiate something without knowing the problem that has not been explained. And I do not know if I can explain everything that is necessary here. The question is as based on opinions as it is broad. Just liking something is a bad reason to adopt something. I hate DDD, I know because it is bad (or good in certain cases).

  • 3

    There are millions of possibilities. The question does not say even what it wants right. Mixed what exists in software development. And you want a magic solution. I even understand that you don’t know about it yet, but the question doesn’t even make sense, and the more you explain it, the more it becomes meaningless. Looks like you’re playing all the buzzwords and you want people to say what’s good for you. Even if you say it’s not that, it’s what it looks like. If it is not, find a way to show better what you want. It would be good for you to rethink what you think about development. You are adopting the worst practice. Adopt s/ know

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