Update One to Many Entity Framework


Viewed 402 times


Hello, I need help with an update using Entity framework and relationship one for many. I believe it is something very basic, but I’m starting with EF and I can’t solve the problem.

Artist and Phoneartist entities, being that an artist can have multiple phones.

 public class Artista

        public Artista()
            Telefones = new List<TelefoneArtista>();
        public int ArtistaId { get; set; }
        public string Nome { get; set; }
        public string Email { get; set; }
        public virtual ICollection<TelefoneArtista> Telefones { get; set; }

public class TelefoneArtista

        public int TelefoneArtistaId { get; set; }
        public string Numero { get; set; }
        public int ArtistaId { get; set; }
        public virtual Artista Artista { get; set; }


How do I update?

I tried so but not so sure.

public void Update(Artista obj)
            Db.Entry(obj).State = EntityState.Modified;

Thanks in advance!!

1 answer


I use the following algorithm:

private async Task AtualizarTelefones(Artista artista)
    // Telefones Originais
    var telefonesOriginais = db.ArtistaTelefones.AsNoTracking().Where(at => at.ArtistaId == artista.ArtistaId).ToList();

    if (artista.ArtistaTelefones != null)
        // Telefones Excluídos
        foreach (var telefoneOriginal in telefonesOriginais)
            if (!artista.ArtistaTelefones.Any(rt => rt.ArtistaTelefoneId == telefoneOriginal.ArtistaTelefoneId))
                var telefoneExcluido = db.ArtistaTelefones.Single(rt => rt.ArtistaTelefoneId == telefoneOriginal.ArtistaTelefoneId);
                await db.SaveChangesAsync();

        // Telefones Inseridos ou Alterados
        foreach (var telefone in artista.ArtistaTelefones)
            if (!telefonesOriginais.Any(rt => rt.ArtistaTelefoneId == telefone.ArtistaTelefoneId))
                // Telefone não existe ainda. Inserir.
                telefone.ArtistaId = artista.ArtistaId;
                // Telefone já existe. Marcar como alterado.
                db.Entry(telefone).State = EntityState.Modified;

            await db.SaveChangesAsync();


    public void Update(Artista obj)
        await AtualizarTelefones(obj);
        Db.Entry(obj).State = EntityState.Modified;
  • I am also learning EF, which if (!artista.ArtistaTelefones.Any(rt => rt.ArtistaTelefoneId == telefoneOriginal.ArtistaTelefoneId)) Do exactly, search if you have removed anything from the list?

  • 2

    This section checks whether there is no element ArtistaTelefoneId is equal to ArtistaTelefoneId that existed before. That is, the element was deleted on screen.

  • Additional information: It is not possible to start an asynchronous operation now. Asynchronous operations can only be initiated in an asynchronous manipulator or module or during certain events in the Page’s life cycle.

  • 1

    You can use synchronous code if you want. Just remove all async and await (including SaveChangesAsync, change to SaveChanges).

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