What is Database Connection Pool?


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What does pool of connections mean when it comes to the Database? What does this concept imply in practice? What is its usefulness and importance in everyday life? Below is a definition I found in my research:

In software engineering, a connection pool is a connection cache database maintained so that connections can be reused when future requests to the database are required

Source : Wikipedia

1 answer


When you need to perform any operation on a database you first need to establish a connection to it, such a connection is usually done using the protocol TCP/IP and it will always cost to be opened and then closed. These costs are particularly significant in WEB applications where you can have a stream of thousands of constant requests, and each of them will generate the opening and closing of a new connection to the database. A simple technique to avoid this constant "open-close" connections is to keep a certain number of them always open (a "pool" of connections) and simply resuse them when necessary, this way you decrease both the machine’s resource spend and your application’s response time.

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