How to make the text fit in the text box on Android?


Viewed 670 times


To set a range for the font size for the text to automatically adjust in the text box Android (TextView) the extent to which it is entering or inserting.

There is a configuration to do on Android studio or has to do Script?

  • What do you mean? It already happens! The.o

  • 1

    You want to automatically decrease the font size so that all text is visible on Edittext?

  • no, it’s in the Text

  • I don’t understand! Don’t forget to put @ramaral so I’ll be notified of your comments .

  • @ramaral in TextView, Ramaral is the following will have buttons, this has numbers and when you press the button it will write in TextView and when it completes the field it decreases as it writes down to the defined size.

  • @ramaral will be has how to transform a TextView in a EditTextthat doesn’t show up on the keyboard and that little bar that keeps blinking to type, it’s an idea, or something like that.

  • See if it’s this looking for

  • @ramaral think this, is free use ?

  • Read to furlough

  • @ramaral would like and make my own code you could pass me if possible, as I do to access the text size and width of the text box via code

  • This requires that another question be asked. Also because then other people will be able to answer.

  • @ramaral was worth it !!!!!!!!

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1 answer


  • Yes, you don’t know a way to do it without this library

  • you can check the library code and take the classes that are there and add them directly to your project.

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