Masonry and Safari giving bug


Viewed 19 times


To the Masonry work in safari I must add something?

For I have the following situation:

Picture 1- Safari NOK only one columns

SAFARI - Aprece somente uma coluna

Image 2- Chrome OK two columns

Chrome - Aparece tudo ok com duas colunas

Code to call the masonry

  var $container = $('#container-masonry');
    // initialize
    $container.imagesLoaded( function() {
        columnWidth: 540,
        itemSelector: '.item',
        isFitWidth: true,
        gutter: 60
/*.container{ width: 1280px; }*/
  /*#container-masonry{ width: 1200px; }*/
  #container-masonry .item{ width: 540px; }

  .grid-sizer { width: 100% !important; }

  @media screen and (min-width: 720px) {
    /* 10 columns for larger screens */
    .grid-sizer { width: 540px; }

  • it is interesting to put the code you use to activate the masonry

  • has some error in console ?

  • @Otto I put the code that I use to call it. In the console nothing RELATING to this file is appearing.

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