Error 502: Bad Gateway - How to resolve


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What’s going on

Starting yesterday morning, in a certain part of the site, in the user register to be more exact, many times when trying to perform it, Nginx returns the message of 502 - Bad Gateway. What can generate this ? No website code has been modified in this part of the user and it started to appear.

Note: The system is done in Django, and static pages served by Nginx.

1 answer


Dude, give it a study in status code. It sounds funny but the minimum of knowledge in status code will help you a lot in several things. Has a lot of developer who does not know what a 303, 401, 409, 502 is like.

It’s a basic knowledge that every developer should know.

502 indicates that there is some configuration on the server that meets this request is wrong.

  • You’re right, man, I’ve found it here and I’ll study the mistakes. Thank you !

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