Why does it not read the string matrix?


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I am creating a code that for now needs to read the name of N companies (whose N is given). I’m trying to enter the names but the program just doesn’t read and it’s the first time I try dynamic matrix allocation. The code is here:

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

void LeiaDadosDasEmpresas( int quantEmpresas , char ** nomeEmpresas ){

    int i ;

    for( i = 0 ; i < quantEmpresas ; i++ ){

        printf("\nDigite o nome da %dª empresa : ", i + 1 );

        scanf("%[^\n]s", *(nomeEmpresas + i) );



int main()

    int quantEmpresas, i ;
    char ** nomeEmpresas ;

    printf("Digite o numero de empresas que queira analisar : ");
    scanf("%d", &quantEmpresas );

    nomeEmpresas = (char **) malloc( quantEmpresas*sizeof(char *) );

    for( i = 0 ; i < quantEmpresas ; i++ ){

        *(nomeEmpresas + i) = (char *) malloc( 20*sizeof(char) ); /** cada nome possui no max 20 caracteres ( incluindo '/0 ' ) **/


    LeiaDadosDasEmpresas( quantEmpresas , nomeEmpresas );

    return 0 ;

  • "malloc( 20*sizeof(char) ); /** cada nome possui no max 20 caracteres **/" for 20 characters in the name, you need to reserve space for 21 bytes. And also ... C/C++ does not exist. In C++ it is advised to use new, delete, etc; in C the use of malloc(), free(), etc is usual.

  • Yes. If it’s beautiful, but I’ve done a lot of c++ code using malloc() and free() and they’ve never been a problem.

  • @Alexandresantiagodasilva I went several times to SP in never suffered any accident until today.

  • 1

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2 answers


There may be more problems but the reading pattern is causing the problem. Is there any reason to use it? I took advantage and gave an organized in the code and fix other small problems:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

void LeiaDadosDasEmpresas(int quantEmpresas, char ** nomeEmpresas) {
    for (int i = 0; i < quantEmpresas; i++) {
        printf("\nDigite o nome da %dª empresa: ", i + 1);
        scanf("%s", nomeEmpresas[i]); // <=========================== mudei aqui
int main() {
    int quantEmpresas;
    char ** nomeEmpresas;
    printf("Digite o numero de empresas que queira analisar: ");
    scanf("%d", &quantEmpresas);
    nomeEmpresas = malloc(quantEmpresas * sizeof(char *));
    for (int i = 0; i < quantEmpresas; i++) nomeEmpresas[i] = malloc(21);
    LeiaDadosDasEmpresas(quantEmpresas, nomeEmpresas);
    for (int i = 0; i < quantEmpresas; i++) printf("\nNome da %dª empresa: %s", i + 1, nomeEmpresas[i]);

Behold working in the ideone. And in the repl it.. Also put on the Github for future reference.

I didn’t use the free() because it is a disposable example, in a real code I would have made the memory release. I also did not care about overflow of buffer, in real code this is a danger.

Theoretically this code of scanf() shall function to accept spaces. I couldn’t reproduce in ideone, may be a limitation of it:

scanf("%21[^\n]", nomeEmpresas[i]);

But the OS question also has its syntax and does not work. I can not guarantee. If Nothing said to work, it is better to use the fgets(). Unfortunately I can not say because the reading pattern does not work, I can even give a search after.

I found a solution which I didn’t like much but solved. I would only like to be sure that she is right, which is not the case.

scanf("%[^\n]%*c", nomeEmpresas[i]);

I still prefer the solution with fgets() which is safer.

  • Very obg. But ( p + i ) is equivalent to p[i] and malloc(21sizeof(char)) equivalent to malloc(21) ( that in the case I put 20 ). But the malloc cast in your example ai.

  • I just put (char ** ) and (char* in the first and second allocation in your example and it worked. Thanks.

  • No, on the contrary, in your code is what’s left of these things. I took it consciously. Specifically the cast It’s better not to. It’s not just redundancy. http://stackoverflow.com/q/605845/221800 http://stackoverflow.com/q/1565496/221800 You may be using the C++ compiler. But this code is not C++. Choose what you will do, if you will program in C, use the C compiler, if you will use the C++ compiler, program in C++. The fact that the syntax is almost interchangeable does not mean that it should. Functioning is different from being right.

  • But it still has a problem. It is necessary to read the space by the scanf function

  • But without the cast gave problem at the time of debug. The problems were " invalid Conversion from void* to char**" and " invalid Conversion from void* to char*".

  • Good. I don’t have in-depth knowledge of compilers anymore, so I know, 'c' language functions can be used without problem in code in c++.

  • This is not quite true. Something can, not everything. And I will repeat, the fact that power does not mean that it should. Listen to what I am telling you: choose C or C++, do not mix the two styles. This will not get you to a good place. I improved the answer, I don’t know if it totally solves, I don’t have a better way to test, I can only try to see later what can be, but I gave alternatives.

  • Yes. I understood its point completely , I know that it should be taken into account in deeper development projects , but this is just a simple university job . What I’m trying to say is that using malloc() is not the cause of the code problem. But thanks for the help.

  • If you find something then send it here doing the favor.

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The instruction

scanf("%[^\n]s", *(nomeEmpresas + i) );
//          ^^^ s a mais

want to read a string followed by a s. Like the s is part of the string, the scan never ends. Take away the s

scanf("%[^\n]", *(nomeEmpresas + i) );
//          ^^ sem s
  • Yes, it seems that the problem lies in the scanf function identifier. If I use scanf("%s", *(nameEmpresas + i) ); the program reads normally, but the same does not occur when I use scanf("%[ n]s", *(nameEmpresas + i) ); or even scanf("%[ n]", *(nameEmpresas + i) ); as I was told

  • The problem is that I need to read with spaces and use "%[ n]s" would be an option for me. But I don’t understand the problem.

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