Sum of profiles in the Maven?


Viewed 51 times



I have 10 customers, 3 of them use Websphere , 10 use Tomcat, 7 use jboss. in the pom.xml

        <!-- depencias para tomcat-->
        <!-- depencias para tomcat-->
        <!-- depencias para tomcat-->
        <!-- depencias para jboss-->
        <!-- depencias para jboss-->


That way it works, but for all customers who use it tomcat the dependences keep repeating (the same for jboss and Websphere).

There is a more efficient way to do this?

I was expecting something like:

        <!-- depencias para jboss-->
        <!-- depencias para tomcat-->
        <!-- depencias para websphere-->



  • Because you don’t put the libs that are specific to each server in the libs folder of each server.. and just leaves the libs the application uses in the project pom? so you wouldn’t have more repeated libs..

  • It wouldn’t work. I create a . War and deliver to the client. The client itself is who manages the server, I only deliver application.

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