How to export an HTML/C#(Razor) page to PDF?


Viewed 985 times


I have some simple tables and need to export them to PDF. I found the library itextsharp, but in the compressed file there are many folders and files and do not know how to add the reference in my application.

I would like help to do the export, whether by this library or another, preferably showing how to add the reference and some example of code.

Later if necessary I add the code I need to export.

2 answers


Using the Nuget Razorpdf2 package:

This is my package. Anything you can do is just send me a message about bugs, mentioning me in chat or comment on any of the questions I answered about it, or ask questions about using.

Example using HTML Views


    public ActionResult Exemplo(int id)
        var model = context.Registros.FirstOrDefault(x => x.RegistroId == id);
        return new PdfActionResult(model);

Layout View (View/Shared/_Pdflayout.cshtml)

    Layout = null;

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
    <title>Meu Sistema</title>
        html {
            font-family: Arial;

        h1 {
            color: blue;

        table {
            border: 1px solid black;
            border-spacing: 0px;

            table tr th {
                background-color: gray;
                color: white;
                padding: 2px;

            table tr td {
                margin: 0px;
                padding: 2px;


Make a View in HTML and Razor normal. Don’t forget to specify the Layout as follows:

    ViewBag.Title = "Título";
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_PdfLayout.cshtml";

Example using iTextSharp 4 tags


public RazorPDF.PdfResult PdfAction(int id)
    // Sua lógica para carregar as informações na variável "modelo"
    return new RazorPDF.PdfResult(modelo, "PdfAction");

Views Seucontroller Pdfaction.cshtml

@model SeuProjeto.Models.SeuModelo

    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_PdfLayout.cshtml";

<paragraph style="font-family:Helvetica;font-size:18;font-style:italic;">
    <chunk style="font-weight:bold;">Seu Título</chunk>

<paragraph style="font-family:Helvetica;">
    <chunk>Algumas palavras de cabeçalho</chunk>

<table width="100%" cellpadding="0.5" cellspacing="0.5" widths="30;60" borderwidth="1.0" left="false" right="false" top="false" bottom="false" red="0" green="0" blue="0">
            <chunk style="font-weight:bold;">Seu Label</chunk>
            <chunk style="">@Model.SuaInformacao</chunk>


<itext creationdate="@DateTime.Now.ToString()" producer="RazorPDF">
  • I have already installed by Package Manager Console , which reference should I add on the page for Razorpdf.Pdfresult to be read correctly?

  • using RazorPDF; should solve everything. In the example I put, nor need this using.

  • Forget it, I put it in the wrong place. It’s gone.

  • 1

    +1: Very cool this Razor PDF.

  • Does this "id" variable really need it? And the "model" variable, how do I work with it? What does it need to have?

  • Not, id is just one example. modelo is a variable that can be a Model, Viewmodel, etc. You will use as the variable @model of the View, as in a View Razor normal.

  • Is it possible to generate with the html of my page, or do I have to assemble the pdf structure from the outside? And that code there using table Row and Cell, what code is that?

  • There’s another Nuget package called Rotativa which generates the PDF from the generated HTML, but this package I do not recommend because it does not work in Azure. In any case, I will pass on the link:

  • But responding, yes, you have to assemble the PDF structure using another Razor file. row and cell are tags of iTextSharp, that assemble tables within the PDF.

  • What is this markup language? From iTextSharp itself? I want to reproduce my document using it. Where do I find the documentation?

  • It is the same documentation as iText. It does not exist in English. This tutorial exists:

  • Most of the documentation is focused on the use of C#, but I followed your line and assembled it by code. But I don’t know for example how to change the color of the bottom of a cell. You know?

  • I don’t know if it’s right, but try <cell red="0" green="0" blue="255">

  • 1

    @Remember this problem? I made a new package that admits HTML Views for the generation of Pdfs, Razorpdf2. If you want to do some tests, see the answer edition.

  • Here it didn’t work, I followed the above steps: I downloaded Razorpdf2 via Tools > Nuget Pachage Manager, installed iTextSharp 5.5.7, created Controller a View and partial, then an error occurs when rendering html: Details of the Exception: System.IO.Ioexception: The Document has no pages.

  • @Adrianocorder This error is from iTextSharp, not Razorpdf2. Please open another question.

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I tried using Pdfsharp and Itextsharp.

For simple things you need to write a lot of code and it should be encapsulated making your life easier.

I suggest using the Ironpdf library that has good documentation and much easier to use.

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