Error on Demoiselle startup


Viewed 81 times


I have a problem when it comes time to boot Moiselle....

This message appears as the printinserir a descrição da imagem aqui how do I treat this message???

  • I looked at the environment variables and apparently everything is right... I don’t know what else it would be...

2 answers


Personally, I was able to solve these problems just by changing the Patch class into environment variables. Type by changing the directory and placing where jre was installing and accessing to the bin folder.Why there is javaw.exe.Which runs java and its ide’s

Thank you, and thank Douglas Galdino also for the support.


This is usually due to conflicts with plugins, in which case would need more information to identify the problem, you can check if it happened after installing some new plugin.

The alternative is not to depend on packages with plugins and components preselected, as in this case, and yes you mount using the latest versions of what you will need.

When looking at the Demoiselle website, I found that in the package, contains the following plugins.


With the Java EE Eclipse IDE, along with Jboss Tools, support for application servers, Tomcat and Jboss(Wildfly) are sure to come installed.

Integration and dependency tools such as Maven are pre-installed.

The iReport plugin or now with new name Jasper Reports

Soapui Plugin

Separate application servers

  • Thanks Douglas !! I managed to get all those messages... Now it comes to me The java Runtime Environment (JRE)or Java Development Kit (JDK)must be available in order to run Eclipse . No java virtual machine was found after Searching the following Locations C:/Programas/Java/jdk1.7.0_75/bin/javaw.exe

  • I went there on environment variables and changed the Patch class to get the jre directory and nothing.....

  • Do the following then add a reply yourself, explaining the steps you have taken to resolve and accept it as a response :)

  • rsrsrsrs nuoss !!

  • Ah, this was not in the wrong sense, but it is how it works in the OS, the author of the question himself can ask an answer, if he himself has solved :D

  • Ahhh understood kkkk =] So I went there in the environment variables ,in the Patch variable and put the path directory where jre was installed and then the bin folder. There is javaew that runs the java and your ide’s =]

  • It’s javaw.exe, not javaew.

  • But here are comments, add another answer.

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