I’m using Hibernate in my project and I’m having doubts about using multiple dynamic Ikes in my research.
I have a simple field on the page where the client can enter a user’s name, but I need it to type 2 names if necessary to return a list.
Example: "John" (Until then ok, I give a simple like in the name john, and my namedQuery looks like this:
"select c from Cliente c where c.nome like :nome"
More when the person type 2 names, I am separating in a list of names, if he type "John Diego" I am giving a split and separating in words to find related names the 2 words obtained.
In the question of split everything ok, more how would my JPQL? if I create one with 2 Likes, and the person type 3 names, would not become dynamic.
Is there any way in JPQL I can give multiple Ikes without the need to create a namedQuery with the quality of Ikes I will do?
I found a way to do more I believe is not even close to a correct way. I would like if someone evaluated and could help me.
map.put("cidade", cidade);
String[] palavras = pesquisa.split(" ");
if(palavras.length <= 1){
map.put("pesquisa", "%"+pesquisa+"%");
anuncios = (List<Anuncio>) daoMaster.listaPorNamedQuery("efetuaPesquisa", map, Anuncio.class);
query = "select a from Anuncio a where a.cidade = :cidade and (a.nome = '%"+palavras[0].toString()+"'";
for(int i=1;i < palavras.length;i++){
query += " OR a.nome like '%"+palavras[i].toString()+"%'";
for(int i=0;i < palavras.length;i++){
query += " OR a.descricao like '%"+palavras[i].toString()+"%'";
query +=")";
anuncios = (List<Anuncio>) daoMaster.listaPorQueryModificada(query, map, Anuncio.class);
In question, if it is only 1 identified word I am doing a search in a namedQuery already registered in the system, more if the system identifies more than one word, I am creating a query at hand.
At the end the query created was the following:
select a from Anuncio a where a.cidade = :cidade and (a.nome = '%Kelvin' OR a.nome like '%Poket%' OR a.descricao like '%Kelvin%' OR a.descricao like '%Poket%')
Can someone take a look and tell me if there are risks in the way I used? something like sql inject or something like?
Thank you.