Decimal value conversion error in Insert C#


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I have an Insert that receives some parameters, more at the moment that mount the sql statement this giving conversion error:

Error Converting data type varchar to Numeric.

        public HttpResponseMessage Cadastro(int nJogo, decimal valor, decimal total, int idusuario)
                var tTabela = new JogoDetalheAplicacao();
                tTabela.Inseri(nJogo, valor,total,idusuario);
                return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "Cadastro realizado.");
            catch (Exception ex)

                return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ex.Message);
    public void Inseri(int nJogo, decimal valor, decimal total, int idusuario)
        var strQuery = "";
        strQuery += string.Format(" VALUES (");
        strQuery += string.Format(" {0}, ", nJogo);
        strQuery += string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, " {0:0.00}, ", valor);
        strQuery += string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, " {0:0.00}, ", total);
        strQuery += string.Format(" {0} ", idusuario);
        strQuery += string.Format(" ) ");

        using (contexto = new Contexto())


Result of the final sql query:


The right thing would be to come like this:

  • I tested here and the query was as expected, from a look :

  • @Joelramosmichaliszen, in his example of right, more in mine I have done various types of conversion is not worked

  • What are the types of the fields??: (NUMERO_JOGO, VALOR_JOGO,VALOR_TOTAL,IDUSUARIO)

  • @Joelramosmichaliszen, int nJogo, decimal value, decimal total, int idusuario

  • Yes, but type of the field in the bank, ex: Top(10,2)

  • Numeric(8, 2) for values, the rest is int

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2 answers


Your problem is that the string.Format uses the current culture information to decide how to convert a number to a string.

This is usually not a problem for integers, but for numbers with decimals it is quite problematic, because in an OS in Portuguese it will use the comma as decimal separator, while in English it will use the dot.

When it comes to mounting an SQL this becomes a bigger problem, since in an SQL you always need to use point as decimal separator, fortunately this is very simple to solve since the string.Format accepts a IFormatProvider as first parameter, which it will use to define how to perform the conversion, and conveniently the CultureInfo implements this interface, so you can force it to use a CultureInfo specific, in which case the CultureInfo.InvariantCulture that always formats numbers with dot as decimal separator.

strQuery += string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, " VALUES ({0},{1},{2},{3})", nJogo, valor, total, idusuario);

And since all its values are numerical then you should not use the quotation marks in SQL.

Now just as an observation, the way you are doing it is pretty much the same as concatenating values into an SQL, which is not recommended, the ideal is to always use parameters in any SQL query, and the use of them would also avoid this error since you could pass the values already in the correct type to the database, without having to convert to string.

  • i changed my question with the code adjusted with your answer, even so I receive the values with comma


Since the fields are integer and Numeric(8,2), there is no need of quotation marks, try this format:

strQuery += string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture," VALUES ({0},{1:0.00},{2:0.00},{3})", nJogo, valor, total, idusuario);
  • the final result: INSERT INTO TB_JOGO_DETALHE_TEMP (NUMERO_JOGO, VALOR_JOGO,VALOR_TOTAL,IDUSUARIO) VALUES ('4512',20,01,20,10,5' ), still from the error, because of the comma

  • @itasouza edited the answer and removes the quotation marks of the int’s also

  • @itasouza Tested the format I put in my reply?

  • yes, I did your example but it didn’t work, I posted on the question how did the code

  • @itasouza Esse format strQuery += string.Format(" VALUES ({0},{1:0.00},{2:0.00},{3})", nJogo, valor, total, idusuario);?

  • i can solve: strQuery += string. Format(Cultureinfo.Invariantculture, " {0:0.00}, ", value);

  • you need to add Cultureinfo.Invariantculture to each line

  • @itasouza See my answer now, and mark as correct xD

  • does so, takes the correct code, adds in your question is there I mark as answer, the code is in my question.

  • @itasouza uses my code, has less line and is more performatic.

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