Visual Studio 2015 environment variable issues


Viewed 163 times


Hello. I recently installed Visual Studio 2015 and started a Win32 project, but whenever I compile some file can’t be located.

I went to the properties of my project and clicked on VC++ Directories, I realized that there is an incorrect environment variable. $(VC_LibraryPath_x86) has the path to the folder C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.10240.0\ucrt\x86 (see image 1), but this folder does not exist on my computer, instead I have another folder (see image 2) very similar and that contains the files that are not being located.

Why don’t I have the right folder? And is there a problem using the folder I have? How do I solve this problem?

Image 1

Imagem 1

Image 2

Imagem 2

  • What kind of project have you created? Winforms, Universal Apps, Console, etc.

  • It’s like Windows Application. I don’t know if the project type has any relation to the problem, but I have the necessary files only that are in a folder with a different name than expected. I’m able to compile for now because instead of using $(Vc_librarypath_x86), I’m using the full path of the folder.

  • I searched this screen here VS2015 and did not find, which version of VS, professional, Ultimate? What is the way to open this print screen?

  • Professional.

  • This project is type C++?

  • Yes, it’s type C++.

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