I have a Centos7 Linux server, with no graphical interface. Using Qemu-KVM I was able to install a virtual machine with windows2008server inside it. I used the following command to create the virtual machine:
virt-install --name=windows --ram=3096 --vcpus=1 --cdrom=/opt/win2008server.iso --os-type=windows --os-variant=win2k8 --network bridge=virbr0 --graphics=spice --disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/win.dsk,size=15
The virtual machine was created successfully, and it’s running. But now I don’t know how to access it remotely. I tried the virt-Viewer of an Ubuntu station, even accesses, but when forming the screen, it gives an error of missing a library libspice. I’ve installed such libraries, but nothing. Does anyone have any tips on how to access (can be via Windows or Linux) this virtual machine that is on this server without a graphical interface? Which software should I use? Note that in the vm creation command, you have the Graphics option, where I chose Spice. Could I try another option for the Graphics parameter? Thank you.