Registration tool


Viewed 48 times


I have an application with about 30 basic registers, currently I use a tool in . Asp in which, I configure working with Request I have a generic page acting on all registration.

Currently it is increasingly difficult to have access to publishing a new version in the client, so I would like an indication of some registration tool that can be configured via database.

My application (VB) have pages .aspand .aspx. If the solution is in C#, I can convert or find a way to work in parallel.

  • If I understand, you have a single page that responds to multiple forms. That’s right?

  • Basic form, that’s what it is.

  • I think you should elaborate more on your intention, giving examples of what you currently have and if possible how you would like it to be.

  • I don’t really understand what’s going on, you have to explain more?

  • Well, the fact that maintenance is already expensive is precisely why - it tries to answer any page. And that’s not good practice. I can’t give a simple answer to solve you. But search for ViewModels, certainly the concept can be adapted and will make your maintenance more "smooth". And on the outside, I recommend studying MVC as a technology and DDD as an architecture expert.

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