Validation messages appearing before sending form


Viewed 665 times


I am creating a form with Ionic and want to validate the fields after the submitted form. As I am doing, it works, but when I open the page the fields are already marked as invalid and I want that to happen after the form is submitted if there is some field that has not been filled.

How do I do that ?

I’m trying like this.

<form name="Empresa" novalidate ng-submit="addEmpresa(Empresa);">
                      <div class="list">
                            <label class="item item-input" 
                                   ng-class="{'has-errors':Empresa.nomeemp.$invalid, 'no-errors':Empresa.nomeemp.$valid}">
                                <input type="text" 
                            <div class="error-container"
                                <div ng-messages-include="templates/form-errors.html"></div>

<button type="submit" class="button button-block button-energized">Cadastrar</button>


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

1 answer


You can also validate if the field has already been modified:

!Empresa.nomeemp.$pristine && Empresa.nomeemp.$invalid

$pristine means that the field has not been modified, in this case it is validating whether the field has been modified and is invalid.
I don’t know what your story is addEmpresa, but if you are receiving the form you can give a form.$setPristine(); that it returns to be a form "virgin" setting all fields as new.

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