List posts of friends


Viewed 164 times


I have a database with the following structure:

Table users:

usuario_id   Primária   int(11)
nome                    varchar(128)
nascimento              date

Table friendships:

id_amizade   Primária   int(11)
id_remenente            int(11)
id_destinatario         int(11)
data_envio              datetime
data_resposta           datetime
sao_amigos              int(11) 

Table posts:

post_id    Primária     int(11)
id_autor                int(11)
texto                   longtext
data                    datetime

I need to load posts from user friends, tried to use INNER JOIN but I don’t know how to use it properly...

  • How do you identify if you are friends? In the friendship table has a field but it is int and not boolean.

  • I use 0 or 1

  • What is the relationship between the user and friendships? O id_usuario is like a field in friendships?

  • @Richard apparently, destination id and sender id are user ids.

1 answer


If I understand well the meaning of the fields in the tables you can get so:

select u.usuario_id as idUsuario,
       u.nome as nomeUsuario,
       a.id_remenente as idAmigo,
       a.sao_amigos as IndicadorDeAmigo,
       p.post_id as idDoPost

from usuario as u
inner join amizades as a on u.usuario_id = a.id_destinatario
inner join posts as p on a.id_remenente = p.id_autor
where u.usuario_id = 1
and a.sao_amigos = 1

I did the join of all tables considering that you want to pick up posts that a friend sent to the logged in user, then:

All users join with friendships where the logged-in user is the recipient of the post u.usuario_id = a.id_destinatario

Making Join with post where the sender of the message (user’s friend logged that sending the message) is the owner of the post a.id_remenente = p.id_autor

Filtering all of the logged-in user 1 and who is a friend (a.sao_amigos = 1)

Here the Fiddle with it working.

No Fiddle Ricardo is the logged in user, Daniel and Felipe sent posts to him, but only Daniel is a friend, so only the post Daniel appeared.


According to the comment, you can do so: (Fiddle)

select *
 from posts
 where id_autor in 
   (select id_destinatario 
      from amizades
     where id_remenente = 1 
       and sao_amigos = 1)
select *
 from posts
 where id_autor in 
   (select id_remenente
      from amizades
     where id_destinatario  = 1 
       and sao_amigos = 1)

Grab all posts from a user who has received a friend request from the logged in user and confirmed plus all posts from a user who submitted a request to the logged-in user and the user accepted.

  • Posts are not sent from one user to another, they should be listed only all posts of users who are friends of the logged-in user.

  • I put another SQL in the answer, has another link to the fiddle too.

  • ok, it’s working fine! but if I want to get the name of the author of the post?

  • Whoa, I got it! Thanks!

  • And if I want to also display some posts from the logged-in user which change I have to make?

  • Depending on what you mean by some, picking up everything from the logged in just pick up idautor equal to the logged in user id, right?

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