I have a form in search Rails that can receive a zip code or the name of a street, so I need to know what type of variable the user is entering, if it is numbers, I do a search by zip code, if it is text, I do a search by street name
I have a form in search Rails that can receive a zip code or the name of a street, so I need to know what type of variable the user is entering, if it is numbers, I do a search by zip code, if it is text, I do a search by street name
It is possible using Regular Expression, checks for character types or character patterns.
[0-9] - Apenas numeros
[a-zA-Z] - Alfabeto com letras minusculas e maiusculas
Search for variations in case you need to assemble specific patterns, it is very useful in certain scenarios.
To find out the type of the variable use the method kind_of?
, because it returns a boolean value.
use that way:
variável.kind_of? tipo
Example to find out if "x" is integer type:
Can you format what is code than it is not in the answer? So it becomes clearer.
Perhaps making a comparison using the .class
I think the .class
can help you by giving you the information of the required variable, so just make the comparison!
irb(main):006:0> Integer = 1
(irb):6: warning: already initialized constant Integer
=> 1
irb(main):007:0> 1.class
=> Fixnum
This would be a way to find out the type of the variable.
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For that specific case, Regular Expression is what you need to use.
– felipsmartins
I think you meant the "content type" that exists within a string variable. Check ? Change the question to be clearer.
– Fernando Vieira