How to use SBT 0.12 and 0.13 at the same time?


Viewed 112 times


I have the SBT 0.12 installed on my computer, with several plugins but I have seen several projects that are already using the SBT 0.13. How can I have you both on my machine at the same time, without conflict?

1 answer


In the archive project/ you can add a line with the desired sbt version.


So you can install the latest version of sbt but keep the compatibility of projects that use a previous version.

Source: Hello, Word - sbt Documentation

  • Unfortunately, it doesn’t work. I get an error message "java.lang.Incompatibleclasschangeerror: Found class jline.Terminal, but interface was expected".

  • 1

    Are you with version 13 installed and setting 12 in the project or the other way around? (Try the first scenario, newer version installed and older version set in properties)

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