Frameworks for use of Masks in ASP.NET MVC


Viewed 277 times


In the case of masked fields (for example, CNPJ) and/or date, which framework UI free would be more recommended?

  • Javascript or;
  • jQuery or;
  • Kendo or;
  • Angularjs or;
  • I don’t know what else.

I do not know if I could be quite clear, more summarizing: what the framework UI free most recommended for fields with masks, date (which opens the calendar), monetary, etc.

1 answer


In the case of fields with masks (CNPJ for example) and/or date, which ui free framework would be most recommended?

You can use the jQuery.Maskedinput, which can be used in conjunction with any of the above frameworks.



which ui free framework is most recommended for fields with masks, date (which opens the calendar), monetary,...

The question is based on opinions, but I will try to go on a more objective side.

For masks, jQuery Masked Input solves most cases.

For dates that open a calendar there are several options. A good option is the datepicker of jQuery UI.

For money, an excellent option is the jQuery Money Mask.

Example of use:

    prefix:'R$ ', 
    allowNegative: true, 
    affixesStay: false

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