Questions about website hosting


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Well, I’m new to basically everything in this area, I spent almost 2 months learning and programming my site completely, trying to solve problems, organize and optimize it to the maximum, but as I’m new I still have doubts about certain subjects, I am very close to paying a webhosting plan ( but before making the request I went to give that good and old researched not to do dumb, I’ve been reading about "Monthly Bandwidth" and came to me some questions, I read that depending on some factors the use of this "band" may be larger or smaller, some examples I read are the size of the html/css/Jv file that could affect... get this done?

another little thing you wanted to know:

websites that host videos and images on the server itself use a lot of "bandwidth" so if I replace all images/videos and allocate them on external websites (like this would be a good solution?

only ending:

My site will contain several videos but none will be hosted to the server, all will be external sites besides the files like html/css/Jv are very small and simple(if it affects) I must worry about the "Monthly bandwidth" even with a number of accesses (until such time as reasonable)?

Little question bonus:

One of some contacts I had with support (from the hosting provider I consulted) I asked about Monthly traffic that in the plans are as "unlimited" the answer was as follows:

"Here is the number of unique visitors per accommodation plan: Free: 200 Premium: 5000 Business: 10000"

(monthly numbers)

Premium: R$: 5,99 Business: R$: 13,99

These values for these prices are in agreement or I should look for other plans in other companies?

Thank you and excuse me if I made a mistake, I await answers/tips on such subject. Thank you.

1 answer


First let’s discuss what band is?

To explain in a clear way, I will use for example the Prepaid plans of cellular. Let’s say that at the beginning of the month you were credited R$20,00, during this month you used the Whatsapp, Facebook e o Instagram, of those R$20,00 were charged to him R$10,00 due to the use of these apps, still left for you R$10,00 for the rest of the month. The width of the band are the R$20,00 and data traffic on the server (HTML, CSS, Javascript files, images, videos, music) are the applications.

Q&A moment

I read that depending on some factors the use of this "band" may be bigger or smaller, some examples I read are the size of the html/css/js file that could affect... it proceeds this way?

Answer: Actually text files in general are pretty light spinning around 3KB up to a few 350KB (which for text is too much) the library jQuery (widely used on various websites today) for example, it revolves around 270KB. Answering your question, YES and NO, there will be a minimum decrease of band because of file traffic on the server, but nothing that is a problem.

Sites that host videos and images on the server itself use a lot of "bandwidth" so if I replace all images/videos and allocate them on external sites (like this would be a good solution?

Answer: Videos and images consume considerably band, is a great practice you host/externally allocate your media.

My site will contain several videos but none will be hosted to the server, all will be external sites besides the files like html/css/js are very small and simple(if it affects) I must worry about the "Monthly bandwidth" even with a number of accesses (until such time as reasonable)?

Answer: It depends, each case is a case, if following this pattern described will not have problems, unless the traffic of users is high, I see no problem in this approach.

In the real world it works that way, let’s say band monthly either from 10GB, assuming the total size of the files on the server is 300KB plus 400KB of external files being imported, with a daily average of 20 visitors, it is up to you to multiply these 1200KB by 20 generating 24000KB (equivalent to 24MB) daily. If we maintain this standard by the end of the month, we will have 720MB of band used, bearing in mind that 1GB amounts to 1000MB then 10GB amounts to 10000MB, leaving him yet 9280MB for the rest of the month.

These values for these prices are in agreement or I should look for other plans in other companies?

Answer: I believe it is in the band yes, look I never used the Hostinger, my customers use the hostgator, both they and I never had a problem with them :D

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