Mobile Application making calls in Delphi


Viewed 331 times


I was wondering if it is possible to make calls with a mobile app built in Delphi ?

If it is possible to show an example of how to implement.

1 answer


Yes Delphi built applications allow us to access api’s like PhoneDialer to make calls for example. But there are numerous other libraries that allow us to perform other operations with the device.

A very simple example of how to implement this feature in an application would be as follows:

Before we start implementing the code that will make the call, we should add the use clause of the following Namespaces: FMX.PhoneDialer, FMX.Platform.

Now just implement the following code, which is very simple to build.

 chamada: IFMXPhoneDialerService;

   TPlatformServices.Current.SuportsPlatformService(IFMXPhoneDialerService, IInterface(chamada));

  if Assigned(chamada) then
     chamada.Call('numero a ser chamado');


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