how do I save the data entry permanently


Viewed 98 times


I want to create a C program in which the user enters his name and this is saved permanently, but the user name is only saved until the program closes. How do I make the program to leave user data saved permanently?

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2 answers


The stdio library. h has functions to create, read and write to txt files, so you can keep this data logged. Here is an example:


char nome[20];

int main()
    printf("Nome: ");



You can try to create a pointer that writes in files. For this, try the following:

FILE *arq = fopen("endereço_do_teu_arquivo", "w"); //Esse parâmetro w significa escrita (write)

every time you save your data to the specified file, do the following:

fprintf(arq, "%d", dado); //Isso se o dado a ser salvo for do tipo inteiro. 

At the end of the program run the command:

fclose(arq) //Este comando fecha o arquivo salvo

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